Client feedback form

Please let us have your name and telephone number and/or email address, should we need to contact you. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please leave this box blank.



    Phone number

    Who was the lawyer who dealt with your matter?

    How satisfied are you with the overall service you received?

    Did we give you advice and information that was clear and easy to understand?

    How satisfied were you with the efforts we made to keep you informed about progress?

    Was the member(s) of staff that dealt with your matter friendly, approachable and professional?

    How satisfied were you with the speed of our response to your enquiries?

    How satisfied were you with our efforts to keep you informed of costs?

    Why did you choose Foskett Marr Gadsby Head?

    Are you likely to use Foskett Marr Gadsby Head for another matter?

    Are you likely to recommend Foskett Marr Gadsby Head to others?

    What further comments or suggestions for improvement can you make?

    We may wish to anonymise some of the comments you have made and use them in our future marketing and publicity work. Are you happy for us to do this?